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Certificate Chain Update

We inform that on April 22, 2022 there will be a certificate update for URL during business hours, Brasilia Time (UTC-03:00).

What to do?

To avoid any unavailability, it is necessary to configure your systems so that they also accept this new certificate chain.

This will be necessary for all your applications that consume services through this URL

We emphasize that Serpro will start working with the new chain on 04/22/2022, but it is already possible that the configuration will be carried out in your systems from now on. We even recommend that you don't leave it for the 22/04.

Click the button below and download the new certificate chain, later configuring your systems to accept this new certificate chain.

Download Certficate Chain

To facilitate the validation work, Serpro provided a URL for testing with the new certificate. Click on the button below, whose expected return in the browser will be "{"serpro": "it is OK"}"

Test New Certificate


To avoid any risk of unavailability, we recommend that all applications that access the URL be configured to accept/trust both certificate chains, that is, the current and the one that will be used from 04/22/22.

What do I do if the service is unavailable on April 22nd?

If you have performed all the configurations and tested them in the environments available and, even so, the service becomes unavailable on April 22nd, we advise that:

You go to the product support web form in the menu next to (Products = > Support = > product name), select the Unavailability offer and describe what occurred after the certificate chain update.


One request per product


  • CND Consultation
  • CNPJ Consultation
  • CPF Consultation
  • NFE Consultation
  • VIO

Última atualização: 2 de maio de 2023
Criada: 8 de abril de 2022